Anyone who knows anything about me knows I'm a major cat lover. Ever since I was a baby I've had this love affair with cats. So when Sir Elton passed away in May my life has been empty. I've been to PetSmart on numerous occasions saying HI to all the kitties. Every week there were some sweet cats, but none of them seem to claim me.
I had a busy summer and was traveling almost every weekend so it made sense that I didn't have a cat. A friend of mine in West Virginia had taken in a stray cat and found out that this beauty was pregnant. On July 4th four little babies were born.
Mama kitty feeding the babies hours after they were born |
A friend of mine suggested I take one of the babies. Of course I figured it was a good idea!!! After all look how cute!! The best part was that the kitties would be ready for their new homes around the beginning of Sept. The time frame worked well for me as I knew I wouldn't be traveling much.
I'm sure I could have found a cute little kitten in Colorado, but there was just something about the little fur babies in West Virginia that called my name. Plus I could make a little vacay out of it AND see my friend's Rebecca & IB (mama kitty's parents). The best part is that I knew that the mom and babies had been well care for!
For about a month I had been receiving adorable pics of my little guy. I wanted a boy kitty and so it was pretty easy to pick since there was only one little boy!
Baby Bernie @ 4 weeks old |
On Sept 4th I flew to West Virginia. When I first met Baby Bernie ( or Loki or LB---still not sure which one he prefers?) he was cautious! I know he isn't going to be like Sir Elton (and I do my best not to compare him to the best cat ever!), but sometimes it's a little hard. He wasn't much for cuddling and really seemed to be uninterested in his new mommy! My insecurities about being rejected kicked in. His sweet little sisters seemed to be much more interested in hanging out with me.
I would hold him and do my best to spend quality time. He mostly tolerated me. On Sunday we had a long flight home to Denver. We first had to drive to Pittsburgh, PA and then fly for almost 4 hours to Denver. In the car he meowed a lot. I felt terrible and decided to give him some baby Benadryl to make his trip more enjoyable. The poor kitty didn't care for his medicine...after was cherry flavored! It did calm him down and he fell asleep quickly. Finally we got to the airport and checked in. He started crying and wasn't a big fan of the long line through security, but can you blame him? We sat for about an hour waiting for our plane to board. Here I let him out of his carrier and he seemed to be a pretty happy kitten.
Waiting to Board the plane
Once we got onto the plane I sat next to a super nice guy. Who didn't hate kittens (plus!). Of course when I brought the cat on board all the flight attendants were oohing and ahhing over him! He was clearly the cutest passenger. After a little while (longer than I wanted) he calmed down and fell asleep.
Half way through the flight a lady in front of me wanted to see him and play with him. She asked if I would bring him out...My reply was "I'd rather not!" I mean, who wakes a sleeping baby! Eventually, (curiosity got the best of me!) I pulled him out and gave him to her. She played with him for a little bit, until he got too wiggly! I let him hang out in the seat for a little while
A thirsty kitten |

Our flight was uneventful. My good friend Heather met us at the airport.
Loki patiently waiting for Heather to pick us up!
Now we've been home almost 2 days. Loki Bernard has had an eventful couple of days. The first day he was able to experience the back yard and meet his little friend Julien (my 1 1/2 yr. old neighbor boy). They had fun running and hiding from each other!
He spent his first day alone as I went to work and did tremendously! He has been settling in perfectly. He eats, uses his litter box, and purrs! He is still a little boy and so cuddling isn't top on his list...unless he is SUPER tired. I was worried with how he would adjust as it was his first time away from his mom (he was still nursing!) and sisters, but he has done so well.
Ever day when I've come home he greets me at the door purring so loudly! He of course wants to play chase. He loves to chase me around the house and wants me to return the favor. It's like a personal workout inside my house.
Every night he sleeps on my bed and has done a good job of waking me up before 6 am! My little furry alarm clock is back!! I'm so looking forward to my life with this little furry creature that I call my own. He is cautious and loving. I can't wait to see where our adventures take us. I feel so honored to be his human mommy and am grateful to his kitty mommy for being such a good mom and for producing such a fun loving little boy!
Moderngypsygirl. & her miniature cat